Concrete Granite

Concrete Granite. We use the most enviromentally sustainable, green methods; we diamond polish the actual concrete in a multi-step process up to as high as #3000 grit, by using progressively finer and finer diamonds to mechanically abrade, hone, and polish the surface. We use the finest penetrating densifiers and sealers that don’t leave any plastic film on the surface that would keep you from the feel of the smooth, durable, breathable, polished concrete.



What is polished concrete?

Concrete is a natural composite material made from an aggregate (typically rocks, river stones, and granite chips) combined with a cement binder (such as limestone and calcium sulphate) and water. For those wondering what the difference is between concrete and cement, the simple answer is that cement is a component of concrete: Sidewalks are made of concrete, not cement.

Transforming concrete into a smooth and decorative surface for flooring requires treating it with a concrete densifier, a chemical that’s applied over the concrete surface to fill the pores. Once the surface is prepared and dried, it’s then ground with grinding tools that get progressively finer to achieve the desired finish. Polished concrete is measured in grades and finishes: the higher the grade, the larger the exposed aggregates; similarly, the higher the finish, the shinier the polish.




Why are concrete floors in style?

Like all things utilitarian, concrete floors are having a moment. Thanks to the stalwarts of modernism and their form-follows-function mandate, the material has become synonymous with honesty and integrity. When working with large open spaces, concrete floors are an easy and cost-effective way to achieve a unifying aesthetic–one that offers a seamless transition from interior to exterior. And with its thermal conducting properties, concrete works particularly well with radiant floor heating systems, warming up large swaths of floor space efficiently.